InterNational Night – Christmas Édition

FB Event
International Night is coming back, this time with a Christmas edition !
Thursday, December 12th, FriMUN, ESN, Fachschaft JUS and ELSA will be hosting the « International Night » at Mythic Club Fribourg.
The idea is to bring together the international community of Fribourg and we’d like you to be part of it. Bring your friends and show your colors, your pride in your country, and show us you can party the best! Drinks, music and decoration will all be international.

Doors : 23h00
18 ans révolus !

Preloc Sales:
4th of December from 12h – 13h in Perolles
5th of December from 12h – 13h in Perolles & Miséricorde
10th and 11th of December from 12h – 13h in Miséricorde and Perolles